
ARE YOU A KIND WOMAN WITH intelligence? WELL WHY wait ?

 Every day you procrastinate, you are stopping me from having a healthy long-term LOVING relationship. YOU ARE BEING CRUEL. But you are hereby forgiven You don't have to waste your time pursuing and dressing up for immature men, narcissists, puffed up, violent or manipulative men. You know you are worth far more. If you are made of gold, I will treat you as such.I am looking for a TRUTHFUL, LOYAL woman. I am searching for a woman with a Christian woldview. I am seeking a woman who knows (from the Bible) that the most POWERFUL PART of the body is THE TONGUE. I'm definitely NOT seeking a Zombie with  NO individual opinions. How refreshing this will be in the politically correct, brain-fogged 'woke' Australia ! My parents (for putting up with me they're in Heaven!) are English and Irish. I adore dogs. I Iove CREATION, current affairs and ANY History. I love going to Churches. (Can I go with you?)  Sadly, in Australia, the Christian Church is dying. Many Christians are

Dogs have masters, cats have slaves

 Hi again. What would you like to see here ?? Ther was once an authoress called Barbara Sher. Many people are SCANNERS. They are generalists. It's difficult for them to focus on a specialisation. I read part of the book, as you'd expect. Even today I dislike finishing books. I am a scanner. ^he beauty is having a good general knowledge - of facts, names of authorsnd booksworkplaces, the economy and using the internet to research things. I thank God for Wikipedia. I love dogs. They don't care what job you have or the type of people you know. Dogs are what human emotions should aim for. They don't even know what money is ! The old saying - Dogs have MASTERS, cats have SLAVES. Please write to me about whatever you wish. I am not perfect, but am a GREAT LISTENER. Words are important. Just ask a doggie.

You know what? I'm a Churchgoing Christian so I won't abuse you

Unlike our increas9ngly nihilist society in Australia I go to Church each Sunday. Many are just plain scared to go to Church. I have yet to see the walls cave in when a new attender p as ys a visit. You know what? We seem to hate the hard-working, sober, marrying, community-focussed lifestyles of out grandparents and great grandparents. It costs nothing to be polite. It costs nothing to care for the health and cleanliness of your street. (Nobody picks up litter anymore, has  community pride.) It costs nought to s by ow others that you're human. Please write to me on

Can you please write to me today ??

  My new friends, can you write now ?? Write about yourself, what's important to you. What do you think of this present world ??   (Used to be a book This Present Darkness. ) All communication is confidential. I have been hurt so many times that I have NO wish to hurt you.

Welcome to south-east Australia

  Howdy from Australia G'day! Thanks for sparing your time. I am not going to waste it. I am not like that.fal qualitie Please be assured of my genuineness. I see you as special. Even though a mature-aged man, I have never owned a house, land or dwelling. I am sad that I never entered into marriage or focussed firmly on my financial future. I was too concerned about others and the ecosystem. I wish I had my life over again. I care alot about the environment. I don't just talk about the Blue Planet (Earth) and Universe. No. I pick up paper, glass. cans wherever I go. I seek to GIVE BACK- not just take. So much selfishness today!! So much lack of basic courtesy and respect. So please consider me your new friend.  Write to me -